Role of Management Information Systems in Enhancing Decision-Making in Large-Scale Organizations Tapos Ranjan Biswas, Mohammad Zobair Hossain, Prof. Ubaldo Comite (Author) 5-18 PDF
Integrating Artificial Intelligence into MIS Transforming Business Processes and Predictive Analytics Asadul Arifin Shawn, Mohammad Zobair Hossain (Author) 19-27 PDF
Cloud-Based Management Information Systems Opportunities and Challenges for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Shohanur Rahman, Mohammad Zobair Hossain (Author) 28-37 PDF
Impact of Real-Time MIS on Supply Chain Management A Case Study Approach Tasfia Tarannum, Mohammad Zobair Hossain (Author) 38-48 PDF
Big Data Analytics and Its Impact on Customer Behavior Prediction in Retail Businesses Nazma Begum (Author) 49-59 PDF